Is The Success or Failure Pre-determined?

It cannot be said better than my friend Mark J in a short and direct way which his guidance has helped me achieve. I encourage you to take the Hero’s Journey with me.  I discovered that I was truly a great person waiting inside a concrete shell that had to be broken off.  Today through…

“OUCH that hurts!!!” HOW to do it RIGHT !

Ever do something new for a few weeks and then decide to change an element of it? It’s easy!  My mind says ok, change that, and its ok. You have only been doing a few weeks so there is no real deep rooted resistance and power behind the old blueprinted action. Doing something for 15…

MKE 2.0 Week 01 – Off and Running !!

Just like these kids in the photo…full of Wonder and Adventure! No heavy cement weighing us down from our dreams of possibility.   The opening chapter of the Master Key tells us… The attitude of mind necessarily depends upon what we think. Therefore, the secret of all power, all achievement and all possession depends upon…


“This is your one Life. Don’t let it lie. You wont get lost. Just walk.”   Ever wonder why people continually let you down, they can’t seem to do what they say they’re going to do.  They are not bad people. They have just trained themselves that it is OK to fail. There is only…

I have to WANT THIS LIFE, If not, Then What?

It has been said that we are products of our environment.  It has been said that we are products of our genetics.  Charles Haanel wrote that “much gathers more”.    With years of study it seems to be so that animals and humans alike are most like the others that they are with the majority of…

Note to Self: …just BREATHE

Month 2 on my own and cruising right along.  Being that person that gets things done with a “Happy Knack”!  It’s a practice just like great sports, painting, crafting, karate, woodworking, project management, medicine……..all of it. Practice is all about continuing to DO IT.  Ever heard the phrase “stay in practice”. The cool thing about…

Continuation – Chapter 25 – Lift Off

I have had such a wonderful month of self-direction.  My personal life has become so much sweeter.  My “job” has become so much easier, even though it was before because of the Master Key Experience.  Most importantly my entrepreneurship has become so much BETTER with the Master Experience. I am getting things together with a…

Month 7.2 – Defenselessness

The Master Key Experience has opened my life to a whole new reality and simplicity of living. I have spent some time learning that as long as I am focused on what is good for me and does not take the good of others then I will create those things.  I also know to remain…