Month 7.2 – Defenselessness

The Master Key Experience has opened my life to a whole new reality and simplicity of living. I have spent some time learning that as long as I am focused on what is good for me and does not take the good of others then I will create those things.  I also know to remain…

Month 7.1 = Forgiveness and Love

So this weekend I finally knew that I Can Be What I Will To Be.  I have been laughing at the world for several weeks now.  Don’t sweat the small stuff they say.   Last month I learned to make my own weather and control my destiny. How do I do that? I control my emotion. A…

Month 7.0 = Confidence

1.Forward. … It is evident that it requires understanding to work with material of this description. But those who come into this understanding are inspired by a new light — a new force. They gain confidence and greater power each day. They realize their hopes and their dreams come true. Life has a deeper, fuller,…