Week 14 = Harmony

This week was truly harmonious.  I had a great time with my family for the Christmas holidays.  It was like a whole new era had begun.  We all had Harmony in mind for this gathering and even had plans to focus on time spent together instead of trashing the place for 3 hours with gift…

Week 13 – Where the desert ends green grass begins.

I am eternally grateful for mentors, friends, MKE Guides and leaders in my life.  It is interesting that the student most often knows the answer but still wants to ask the question.    Is that doubt, confirmation, being unsure, needing someone else to kick their ass?  How about denial?  How about plain old FEAR.  Fear of…

Week 12 = Eternal Vigilance Is The Price Of Success

Here we of course have Michelangelo’s painting of “The Creation of Adam” from the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. “The message being that the divine gift does not come from a higher power, but from our own minds.” ~ Robert Ford – WestWorld “As with the theory around the actual basis for the Bicameral Man,…

Week 11 – I Love the darkness for it shows me the Stars

I had posted this first few paragraphs write up in a private Master Mind Alliance blog and wanted to preserve it and expand it. I had a breakthrough yesterday morning. I had struggled with a resentment against a person and I had finally come to Love that person as I would a sick person. But…