Week 17HJ.02 = Call to Adventure

The Call may not appear as a happy, joyous thing to do.  It may come in many forms.   The outcome will most likely not even be evident at the time.  The knowing that this start down the path may appear arduous and difficult, or at least the mind will think so at first, is simply…

Week 17HJ.00 = The Hero’s Journey

A long time ago in a Paradigm far…far away…… The unknown hero heard the call and refused it, ignored due to unbelief.  Then the messengers began showing up.  The events around began to point to the path of the journey. When the call was ringing as a loudly gonging bell the unknowing hero answered and…

Week 17 = “It’s the sound that I hear tells me not to give up”

I’ve been stranded on a lonely street.  Got lost in the shadows.  Fell hard in the battle.  Heard cries and the suffering.  Walked through the darkness, left broken and heartless. I’m calling out, can you hear my voice?  I’m gonna find you through all the noise.  You know there’s nothing that I wouldn’t do.  So…

Week 16 = “Are you Kind?”

This has been a week of looking for Kindness in actions of others and of myself.  I have lived this sort of thing most of my life.  Doing the things that most never do anymore.  Saying good day and opening doors.  As I was tasked with looking for it in others I found it very…

Week 15 = Thin Zombie Line

IN-Sight.  A very dear friend and mentor named Buz made this for me as a Birthday gift.  He called it the “Thin Zombie Line”.  Buz has become a treasure in my life as he has had so much to Give.  Last evening I realized what it really symbolized. It is a reminder that I AM….