Week 19 = Strike a POWER Pose !

“DO IT and IT WILL BECOME.”  ~James Jowers

Oh my god I’ve done the Superman pose for years!   I tell you Mark you better keep on showing me that I’ve always been successful my entire life exactly as I am!  NOW…I CAN connect the dots and CONQUER MY FUTURE !

My wife just a month or so ago asked me why do you stand like that?

At the time I really didn’t have a direct answer, I just felt good doing it.  I always have.  Maybe seeing Superman the Movie in 1978 had something to do with it.  I have just always done it.  It feels good.  Now I can direct it’s timing as yet another wonderful SMPLE tool for creating my reality moment by moment.

Today I saw the video giving SCIENTIFIC evidence from Princeton University, that Mark J had found, to give more power to his knowledge that the movement of the body actually trains the MIND !

So Amy Cuddy says “Fake it ‘till you BECOME it”

The reality is that we… BE in our Minds, So that We DO in the World and therefore HAVE what we Desire to Manifest.

Some great movie…which you all know….said to “build it….”

I am saying…

“DO IT and IT WILL BECOME.”  ~James Jowers

Can you keep it that SIMPLE?

Each of us is the powerful Super Man and Wonder Woman that we are ALREADY supposed to BE.

So DO IT !!!!  DO IT NOW !!!!    Unleash your perfect Self.

You ARE Supposed to be here.


Peace Be The Journey


15 Comments Add yours

  1. Love this post James. I knew about Wonder Woman posing for Women but I did not even think about Super Man for Guys! Perspective!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Denise We are ALL Wonder FULL and Super !!!


  2. Juneta says:

    YES! I superposed, lol. It does feel good, don’t it? Great post. No faking here, I am what I think I am. Do it until I become. Love it.
    JOY TO You! Juneta’s MKE Blog

    Liked by 1 person

    1. JUNETA !!! WE are all Posers here !! LOLOLOLOL I like the Popeye twist…..


      1. Juneta says:

        *Snickers* I wondered who that voice in my head was–Popeye, I use to watch it all the time as a kid. I even ate spinach cause Popeye did, but did not recognize why I did that phrase till you caught it. ROFL @ self too funny. Thank you, my friend it was a good memory.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I cant stands no MORE !! Much Love to you Juneta!


  3. James, great post. I am adopting Do It and It Will Become. Going on a card. Practicing Powerful Posture Prevents Poor Performance. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOUISE !!!! So glad to see you! Thank you for that. I am grateful for your direction to a card and that awesome PPPPPP !!


  4. Great post and visual reminders! So you have been a SUPER MAN for a long time now! It is amazing how many things we do without realizing their significance. This course is such a blessing to learn the how’s and why’s and also to learn from others. Your posts are alive with teachable moments that inspire and encourage me! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eliza I am humbled by you statement. It is my greatest desire to share with others my experience to give strength and hope to others. That actually parlays into many subjects as well. When I grow up I DESIRE to be an international speaker and motivator.


  5. Great read and photos for making it visual. Yes, our body language is so important in how we perceive ourselves and others! I also had an adding on with voice training recently and what that does for how you are perceived is also interesting.


    1. Thank you Janicke! I would like to know more about this voice training you speak of. email me JJ@JamesJowers.com


  6. Ford Ford says:

    I have done that pose every morning for years; it helps me wake up. Thank you.


  7. Great post, James. I see why it is a favorite.


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