Week 22 = Stages of Doubt

In the accumulation of my experience through life and lost importantly my recent discovery of foundation truths, I have recognized the stages of doubt in our minds that cause us to reject change and not take action on something that could be the greatest next step for us.

Say an opportunity comes along into our path….

  1. Wow that is incredible! Isn’t that amazing! That is an awesome thing! I want to do that!
  1. That is too good to be true, that can’t be real.
  1. I wish that was possible, I wish I could do that. I could never do that.
  1. Something will come along, I will keep looking.


This seems to be the plight of every person who for some reason never takes the jump towards what may be the thing that the universe has delivered to them as their next step.

They choose to ignore what their heart is calling to them to do.  They choose not to follow their bliss.

We all know what doing the same thing again and again expecting different results really is right?  Insanity.  Addiction to self-subjugated misery.  Addiction to the chemical peptides generated in the brain from the thoughts of self-loathing, guilt, unworthiness, anger, unsatisfied excitement and all the feelings that arise from our very own thoughts and reactions.

This is in reality an addiction cycle.  Unaware…most all of us stumble through life this way.

That can be changed.


Four Stages of Doubt ~ by James Jowers

  1. Excitement
  2. Denial
  3. Sadness
  4. Resolve

I don’t need to give any further description of the stages and their progression with that alliteration, I am sure you recognize in yourself these feelings and actions.

The thing is…they are false.  They are not real.  They are the recordings of the burned in blueprint that our experiences from the rest of the world has told us what our world should be like.

When we encounter change the brains addiction to the status quo peptides kicks in because it is experiencing different peptides and rejects them.

Therefore we refuse change.

We intellectually wither away the possibilities with justifications and judgments, allocations of falsehood to ease our ego’s into the comfort of ignoring possibilities.

Are you denying what I am saying yet?

Ouch.  You feel that sting in the back of your mind?

That is Truth.

That is the call to your Hero’s Journey.

Come with me…



10 Comments Add yours

  1. Yes James! This is really a great message! Thank you for sharing your insight. I feel and see these stages to! It is what the mkmma is all about no? Learning to see our world true the eyes of the new self and accept the gifts that come from looking in that new way! You are whole perfect strong powerful loving harmonious and happy!


    1. Thanks Thomas! I can be what I will to be!


  2. Nicki Goff says:

    Thanks, James – I can relate to what you’ve posted here. It is a challenge to overcome the old habits and move from the known and comfortable to a personal journey into self discovery. I’ve been on a bit of a roller coaster the past month – working through it.

    Nicki recently posted: http://masterkey.vision/emotional-rollercoaster/


    1. Nicki…answers….Ask, Believe and You Shall Receive.


  3. Very inspiring post James! I can relate to that…


    1. Thank you Chiara! I welcome your visit, keep coming back!


  4. So easy to see the good and immediately talk yourself out of the having – Thanks


    1. UBET. Keep coming back!


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